“ a friend and I once decided that exchanging “ I love you “
results in a warm chocolate cookie feeling inside…….I feel that
close friends are the most important thing to hold onto as we get
older. They are the ones who truly know who we are. Essentially,
without friends we’d be lost."
“ friends should take advantage of their time together because
there are so many roadblocks that could tear them apart, whether
it is time, change or death. A true friendship, however, will last
a lifetime regardless of certain obstacles. A quote I have always
taken into consideration with my friendships is stated best by
Joshua Loth Liebman, “ treasure each other in the recognition that
we do not know how long we shall have each other”.
“ my friends have taught me so much, from learning how to forgive
to the secret of making a perfect pancake…..a secret that will
follow me to my grave. They have shown me how to see the good in
everyone, as well as how to sing songs so obnoxiously loud that
anyone within earshot truly understands the concept of tone –
“ the Beatles correctly stated “ oh, baby I get by with a little
help from my friends “. I believe that people enter one’s life for
a purpose and that God brings these people to you to help you
grow, help you learn and help you love. “
“ best friends become everything. They’re the ones to run to
instead of mom and dad, they become closer than family. They will
believe in your dreams and at times believe in them more than you
do; they’ll never let you give up. They’ll call Saturday morning
just to make sure you wake up on time to go to work when they
could have slept in – and they won’t get mad when you grumpily
answer the phone. They’re the ones at your door with double
chocolate ice cream and two spoons when you break up with another
silly boy, and will help you realize who really matters. Best
friends are so many things rolled into one, and above all; full of
love. “ |